Established 1972

​Greet members, direct them to get name tags, buy raffle tickets, help find the Mentors table who can help with their tree, and introduce them to other members. If they have questions, find the member who can help them.
Help bring snacks and water or tea and ice for the members at break (you will be reimbursed). Help clean up after the meeting.
Meeting Setup and Cleanup
Our members who are conducting lectures have several trees that need to be carried into the meeting room, and it would be helpful to have extra hands. Also, members are expected to clean up after their trees are trimmed with the Mentors, but we need a few extra hands to tidy up after meetings, and perhaps help members take their trees to their cars.
Promotion and Publicity
Help Communication Director promote the club, our events, exhibitions, and maintain website and social media. Take photographs at meetings and events to use in promotions on Facebook and website.
Assistant to Mentors
Dependent upon experience, assist Mentors with classes, demonstrations and lectures.
Assist in setting up tables, awnings and trees at exhibitions. Volunteer for four hour shifts at the shows to talk with guests, monitor and mist trees, and work at membership/raffle table.
Jump in and join the activities of our Tucson Bonsai Society! There are always tasks at each of our activities that need a few extra minds for planning, or hands to get things done, and eyes and hands to assist the Mentors while they work. It's also a great way to meet like-minded people and share a little comradery.
We ask you to get involved and help make the Tucson Bonsai Society even better. We'd like your ideas, your creativity and your love for plants and bonsai. Volunteer to be part of a Committee!
Click below to contact Cynthia Martin and let her know where you would like to volunteer.